Please fill in the form below if it applies to children/youth that you are responsible for.

Young Person
Additional contact (in case of emergencies etc)
Communication with young people (over 11s only)

Leaders may communicate with your young person with news and updates relevant to Trinity Church activities (over 11s only). Data such as mobile number or email address will only be used for the purposes of information giving and will not be shared.

I and the young person named give our permission for the young person to be contacted by:

If you've ticked either of the boxes above, please enter the necessary contact details here:
Medical treatment/emergencies

Whenever medical advice or treatment is needed, the assistance of a GP or A&E Department of a hospital should be sought. The Children Act 1989 allows a doctor to provide any necessary treatment by doing ‘what is reasonable in all the circumstances of the case for the purpose of safeguarding or promoting the child’s welfare’. However, the parent/carer should be contacted and advised of the situation as soon as possible.

I understand:

  • Every effort will be made to contact me as soon as possible should my child become ill or have an accident.
  • My child will be given medical/dental treatment as necessary.

Medical Information
UK-GDPR Consent