Welcome to Treehouse – Trinity Church Scarborough’s exciting children’s ministry for children ages 0-11 years!
On Sunday mornings the service starts at 10.30am with everyone together in the main hall at The Street. Enjoy music, prayers and a fantastic all-age teaching time.
After about 20 minutes our experienced DBS-checked children’s team take the children to their own rooms for a brilliant session called…Treehouse!
Who’s it for: We have three groups for ages 0-11!
– Rockets: 0-4 year olds. Enjoy a wonderful time of bible stories, music & play especially for little ones! If your child is under 2, parents/carers stay with them (you will be made very welcome!). Children age 2+ can be dropped off with the Rockets team if you prefer.
– Climbers: 4-7s (reception – year 2). Bible stories, games, music & craft! We love using storytelling and drama to unpack our bible stories!
– Explorers: 7-11s (year 3 – year 6). Explore a bible passage plus fun games, quizzes and activities!
There is no need to book a place. If you are coming for the first time and would like someone to meet you, or you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nicola Carpenter, our Children’s Minister (nicola@trinityscarborough.org.uk / 07837128873).