We believe the Bible is God’s written word. It is our first and final word on all matters of belief and behaviour.
We are convinced that God’s word is the way God’s work is carried out in God’s world. The Bible is powerful to save and sanctify people.
Our minsitry is word saturated. We love to have the Bible read and proclaimed. Throughout the life of our church we open up God’s word so that we hear his voice.
God is an amazing communicator. His words reveal truths that our hearts long to hear.
The word charismatic is a Greek word which means grace gift. God the Father is a generous divine parent who gives wonderful gifts to his children.
We rejoice in the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches that when we believe we are given the promised Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:14).
We need the help of the Spirit to read and understand the Bible. We need his power to change us from the inside out. And we need his gifts if we are to serve and worship God together. We value all spiritual gifts at Trinity Church, and we trust the wisdom of the Spirit as he distributes them to each member of our church family.
Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Mission in England (AMiE). This is a growing fellowship of faithful Anglican churches who are passionate about gospel mission. We are committed to the interdependence of local churches and to receiving oversight from godly bishops.
AMiE is part of the Gafcon movement. This is a network of biblical Anglicans from across the countries of the world. It is beauitfully diverse and wonderfully united in orthodox, historic Christian truth. Our Gafcon connection enables us to learn from, be encouraged by and contribute to the global church.
Anglicans are committed to the teachings summarised in the 39 Articles and the Jerusalem Statement and Declaration. Not all members of our church family are Anglican by doctrine and you don’t need to be Anglican to feel at home. However, our Senior Pastor is an Anglican by conviction.