We love meeting new people. Everyone is welcome, whether you are a Christian looking for a new church or someone exploring whether there is a God. Check out the Explore Christianity menu for information about our latest ways to find answers to life’s big questions.

We are a global family on mission together. Our desire is to love God, love each other and love the world.

This isn’t easy. We need God’s help to overcome our inbuilt selfishness in order to be released into a life which is other person centred.

We find that the following four commitments increase our affection for our brothers and sisters and help us care for each other in practical ways.

In Revelation 7:9 we read about “a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” It is the God-glorifying gathering of all those saved by Jesus. It is the family of God gathered in one place from every point in history and from every place on the planet. Christianity is a personal faith but it is not a solo faith. God has a passion for gathering his people to hear his word and praise his name.

As we wait for this future celebration, the Bible commands us to regularly gather with our church family for times of corporate and public worship.  We encourage our church family to prioritise our Sunday celebrations. Aim to be there every week, health permitting. There will always be countless other pulls on our time and on our hearts. However, prioritising Sunday is good for us and a brilliant way to grow in love for each other.

Picture of a group of people, captioned "Join"

We long for the name of Jesus to be honoured by those in our community. We look forward to God’s grace being poured into many hearts so they embrace the saving rule of King Jesus. We are praying for God to grow the church family at Trinity. However, as we grow bigger we want to remain small. To help this become a reality we encourage all of our church family to join one of our small groups. This could be a Life Group or the Women’s Bible Study or one of our book groups. The key is to belong to a smaller group where you will be prayed for and supported, and where you will be able to love others.

Please contact Lee McMunn for more information about our small groups.

The Bible describes the church as the body of Christ. According to 1 Corinthians 12, we are one body made up of different parts, and all the parts have a role to play. Or to change the picture, belonging to a church is more like being on a battleship than a cruise liner. We are on the same mission and God has given us a unique role to play. A brilliant way to get to know people and enjoy fellowship is to serve on a team. This could involve serving on a Sunday to make our celebrations possible or it may involve serving in one of our weekday ministries. Or both, depending on availability and capacity.

Please contact Lee McMunn for more information about how to serve.

God extravagantly provides everything his people need. This includes the finances required for the ongoing mission of the church.

We encourage all of our church family to give regularly, generously and electronically. We do have a Collection Box available on Sundays but most of the church give by using a Standing Order or by monthly bank transfers. 

Please do Gift Aid any donations if you can. This enables us to claim an extra 25p for each £1 donated.

We provide financial updates throughout the year to help us praise God for his provision and to respond to any particular needs.

Practial details of how to give can be found here.

Please contact Tony Graham, our Treasurer, for more information about giving.